The above SLURL will take you to the boat house, which is a kind of gate where you can get souvenir from Yoko Ono and watch the video of John and Yoko. Never fail to get "Onochord HUD", which is placed in the bowl on the table in the center of the room. Attaching first the Onochord and then the Onochord HUD will enable you to give out onochord sign by flashing or by particles, which is explained in the video.

Well, after getting Onochord and other souvenirs, I jumped into the boat and sail around the island because there was enough time before the tower is lit. It was easy and fun. There was also a hot balloon but I didn't know how to move it. I'll visit there and try again later. :)

And the, the sun went down and it got dark. Suddenly the white wishing well began to shine and beautiful blue rays stood one by one in a circle. We could hear John Lennon singing "Imagine". And the, "Give Peace a Chance", with Yoko's peace message dubbed on it. The sim coordinator told us it was time for clicking and flashing Onochords. It was a very impressive and moving moments.

The tower will be lit up every day until 8th December 2010 at 7:20 am/pm, 11:20 am/pm and 3:20 am/pm SLT. Don't miss it!
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