Yes, it says I won a theme camp place at Burning Life '08.
And my friend naturalway Flow has also won a camp.
As a matter of fact, it's he who invited me to join Burning Life event,
so now I'm very happy both of us have won camp places. :)
On receipt of Dusty's mail,
I visited my camp place.
Entry to Burning Life sims is limited to registered avatars only now,
here are some snapshots I took
to give you images what's going on there.

This is the entry point of Burning Life festival.
Walking up along the path in the desert
you'll come across with the welcome gate
- now under construction though :D -,
and further walk will lead you to the large Center Camp!
It makes me feel I'm home again,
for the experience I had here last year
makes me what I am now - an SL musician....

And further walk!
300 m northwest of the Center Camp
through the desert
there I found a plot in my name!
With the expanse of 2,592 sqm
allowing 1,008 prims,
what shall we make and do on this empty desert land?

Well, I'll have to sit up late for coming weeks!
Please keep your eyes on my updates. :D
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