I found and got interested in "on air" sign.
It was just like the one at the radio or TV studio
and it turns on when he's playing in Second Life. :)
Working on broadcasting my live performance in SL,
I also made this sign and put it on the left side
of this site.
As Slmame does not allow PHP working,
it was difficult for me to install this function,
but I finally made it. Phew!

As the picture above left shows, it's usually turned off.
But, when I'm giving shows, or the streaming begins,
it turns on brightly as the picture above right shows.
Of course, when Ustream TV broadcast begins,
it turns on too.
Thus this sign tells you whether I'm playing inworld or not
at that very moment! :)
So - ,
if you find the sign shining bright, please listen to my music
through Internet radio, or, it would be highly appreciated
if you could log in to join the show inworld!