Jun 21, 2012

Hiroshi Kumaki's Synthesizer Live @ SL9B

We had winds Seiling's special live on Tuesday
and I will appear again on SL9B Green stage as a solo musician
and play soothing music on the synthesizer.

If you're interested in my music, please come and hear.
I'm looking forward to seeing you there.


>> Hiroshi Kumaki Live @ SL9B
- Date & Time:  9:00 am PDT (Fri) 22 and (Sat) 23 June 2012
- Place:  SL9B Green Stage

Jun 19, 2012

winds Seiling Live at 9:00 am SLT @ SL9B Green Stage!

120619a.jpgwinds Seiling, captain of the Yokohama Marching Band, is going to play beautiful tunes on the clarinet and saxophone this morning at SL9B Green Stage.  Please don't miss her awesome play.

>> winds Seiling @ SL9B with Sakura
- Date and time:  9:00 am PDT Tue 19 June 2012
- Place:  SL9B Green Stage

Jun 17, 2012

winds and Hiroshi Appear at SL9B!

The time to celebrate Second Life's 9th birthday is just around the corner.  This year, YMB will not set up our exhibit because our real life engagements make our one week performance difficult.  But winds Seiling and I will appear in person at SL9B Green Stage for live performance.  Please do not miss winds' marvelous performance on the clarinet and, perhaps, on the saxophone.  I will back her up on the piano and play the synthesizer by improvisation.  We are looking forward to seeing you there. :)

>> winds Seiling @ SL9B with Sakura
- Date and time:  9:00 am PDT Tue 19 June 2012
- Place:  SL9B Green Stage

>> Hiroshi Kumaki @ SL9B
- Date and time:  9:00 am PDT Thu 21 & Fri 22 June 2012
- Place:  SL9B Green Stage