and the venue was in the Aquarium in the sea!
The fantastic situation as well as my healing muisc was well received
and that was the beginning of my musical career.
I got acquainted with many people through the concert
and I was asked to play on many occations such as celebration of SIM opening
or 24-hour special radio program in SL. :)
One year after the first concert, I would like to express my sincere gratitude
to all the people who have helped me in various ways
and I'll have 2-day special charity concert this weekend.
I'll express love and peace by improvizing on the piano, pipe organ and synthesizers.
I'd be happy if you could come and see with your friends.
Have a nice weekend with my healing music for love and peace.
Hiroshi Kumaki 1st Anniversary Charity Concert
- Part One "Love and Peace"
Time: 05:00 Oct.25 SLT (21:00 Oct.25 JST)
Place: Center Stage, Dubai Japan
Presented by Vostera Company
Special Thanks: kenmi Lomu (Niseko SL Station)

Hiroshi Kumaki 1st Anniversary Charity Concert
- Part Two "Life - Eternal Existence"
Time: 05:00 Oct.26 SLT (21:00 Oct.26 JST)
Place: Aquarium Cosmic Tree, Exhara
Presented by Lifebound Records
Special Thanks: pira Noel (Aquarium Cosmic Tree)

All the proceeds from your donation made at the concert will go to NPO KOMA,
an outworld organization which, managed by Idaki Shin and Keiko Koma,
is committed to realize a new world
where the next generation can live in love, peace and good health.
For more details please visit the following site:
Please feel free sending IM to Hiroshi Kumaki in SL
or mail to
if you have any questions, comments or requests.
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